1991 |
1993 |
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Event Date Championship(s) Mazda Car-Line Winter Rally 25th January Mintex National Rally Series, ACSMC Masters, ASWMC Loose Surface Stage Wyedean Stages National Forest Rally 8th February Ashley Competition Exhausts BTRDA Gold Star, City Speed of Gloucester Welsh National, ASWMC Loose Surface Stage, Rees Steelwork Breckland Forestry Rally * 15th February BTRDA Clubmans, Countdown Magazine Multi-Venue Stage, Autocross ACSMC Masters Stage, Motormania AEMC, ANEMMC Multi-Venue Stage, ASEMC Stage, EMAMC Multi-Venue Stage, CG Tyres LCAMC Autostorica Longleat Historic Rally (Restricted event only) 29th Feb/1st March Malcolm Wilson Lakeland Stages 14th March BTRDA Clubmans, Motoscope ANECCC, TI Motors Rallyspares ANCC, PEC Tyres ANWCC, CMSG, SD34, KLMC Lees for Tiles, WDMC Dobies Cumbria Vauxhall Sport International Rally 21st March Mobil 1/Top Gear RAC MSA British Rally Championship, Vauxhall Nova GSi Super Challenge Vauxhall Trophy National Rally 21st March City Speed of Gloucester Welsh Forest Stage, ANWCC Forest Stage Charringtons RAC International Historic Rally of Great Britain/Charringtons Regularity Rally 27th-29th March York National Forest Rally Cancelled Ashley Competition Exhausts BTRDA Gold Star, Motoscope ANECCC Pirelli International Rally/Pirelli Trophy Rally 4th April Mobil 1/Top Gear RAC MSA British Rally Championship, Vauxhall Nova GSi Super Challenge, British Junior Rally Championship Loveday & Bennett Tour of Lincs 5th April EMAMC Multi-Venue Stage, ANEMMC Multi-Venue Stage, ANCC Stage, Lada Rally Challenge, Countdown Magazine Multi-Venue Stage, Ford RS2000 Rallye Sport Series Zwick Woodpecker Stages 5th April BTRDA Clubmans, Welsh Clubmans, ANWCC Forest Stage Granite City Rally 26th April Mintex National, Esso Scottish, City Car Parts East of Scotland AC Services Pines Rally 26th April ASWMC 1600 and Open Loose Surface, 'Autocross' ACSMC Masters Mobile Windscreens Pines Historic Rally 26th April AutoClassic Historic Stage Rally Championship Aston Martin Owners Club Inaugural Road Rally 2nd/3rd May AMOC Historic Road Rally Championship Cop-y-Cat Manx National Rally 16th May Mintex National, Demon Tweeks Motoring News Tarmac, Dunlop Metro GTi Challenge, Shell Gemini Challenge Centurion Rally 16th May Ashley Competition Exhausts BTRDA Gold Star, BTRDA Clubman, Motoscope ANECCC, Peugeot GTI Challenge Perth Scottish Rally 12/14th June European Rally Championship for Drivers (Coefficient 10), Mobil 1 Top Gear British, Triple Crown, Esso Scottsh, Vauxhall Nova GSi Super Challenge Perth Scottish National Classes 13/14th June Esso Scottsh Kerridge Severn Valley National, Restricted and Historic 20th June National: Mintex National, City Speed of Gloucester Welsh National Stage, MPC Motorsport/Furrows Ford AWMMC Stage, Shell Skoda Trophy; Restricted: Huw Lewis Tyresport Welsh Clubman's Forestry, Lada Challenge; Historic: Mintex Historic and Post Historic Categories John Harrison Peugeot Dukeries Rally 27th June BTRDA Clubmans, EMAMC, Peugeot GTI Rally Challenge Jim Clark Memorial Rally Sponsored by Croall Bryson 11th July Esso Scottish, Motoscope ANECCC, ESACC, Border Ecosse Stage Plains National Rally 11th July Ashley Competition Exhausts BTRDA Gold Star, City Speed of Gloucester Welsh Forestry, Peugeot GTI Rally Challenge Quinton Stages Rally 25th July Ashley Competition Exhausts BTRDA Gold Star, BTRDA Clubman, Huw Lewis Tyresport Welsh Clubmans, MPC/Furrows AWMMC Kayel Graphics National Rally 8th August Mintex National Rally Series, Peugeot GTI Rally Challenge, Shell Skoda Trophy, City Speed of Gloucester Welsh National Stage Border Rally ** 15th August Ashley Competition Exhausts BTRDA Gold Star, Esso Scottish, ESACC, Motoscope ANECCC A.T.S. Coracle Stages Rally 5th September Ashley Competition Exhausts BTRDA Gold Star, BTRDA Clubmans, Huw Lewis Tyresport Welsh Clubmans Manx International Rally 9th-11th September European Rally Championship for Drivers (Coefficient 20), European Challenge for Drivers of Production Cars (Group N), Mobil 1/Top Gear British, RACMSA British Junior, West-Euro Cup, Dunlop Irish Tarmac, Triple Crown for Bruce Trophy Manx Historic Rally 9th-11th September Rally Car Forest Stages Rally (including Clubmans & Historic Rallies) * 26th September Mintex National Rally Series, Vauxhall Nova GSi Super Challenge, Shell Skoda Trophy Castrol Crystal Forest Rally 17th October Rally Sport BTRDA Clubmans, TI Motors Rallyspares Northern, EMAMC Multi-venue Stage, Phoenix Awards ANEMMC, Northern Lada Challenge Elonex International Rally aka Midland Rally (including National Rally) 24/25th October Mobil 1/Top Gear British, British Junior Championship, Peugeot GTI Rally Challenge, Vauxhall Nova GSi Super Challenge, Shell Skoda Trophy John Roberts Meirion Stages 25th October PEC Tyres ANWCC Forest, Huw Lewis Tyresport Welsh Forestry Clubmans Restricted Trophy, AWMMC Pye Motors Classic Illuminations Rally 24/25th October Heritage Historic, BTRDA Silver Star Historic Cambrian National Rally/Cambrian Restricted Rally 31st October Ashley Competition Exhausts BTRDA Gold Star, City Speed of Gloucester Welsh National, PEC Atkinson Tyres ANWCC Forest, Lada Challenge Central, Huw Lewis Tyresport Welsh Clubmans Forestry (Restricted only) 2nd International Rally Britannia 22nd November Chivtone Turnbull Trophy Rally 6th December ANECCC Clubman's Stage Results courtesy of: Breckland & Rally Car Forest Stages - NickCunnington; ** Border Rally - Gerry Bryden.
Championship Final Results:
Mobil 1/Top Gear British Rally Championship 1992 Mintex National Rally Series 1992 Ashley Competition Exhausts BTRDA Gold Star Championship 1992 BTRDA Clubman Championship 1992
Archive of Results from 1972 to 2020 David James Event and Championship Results Archive 1995 to 2005